March 13, 2025


The UM Common Reading Experience is currently planning events related to Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier, and the themes of the common read for Fall 2024.

Freshman Convocation | Tuesday, August 27, 2024  |  Sandy and John Black Pavilion  |  7:00pm

The University of Mississippi Fall Convocation commemorates the beginning of the college journey each year at Ole Miss. Join us on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00pm in the Ole Miss Pavilion to hear from campus leaders and guest speaker and co-author of this year’s Common Read, Arthur C. Brooks.


Classwork that Matters  | Wednesday, September 4, 2024  |  J.D. Williams Library, Classroom 106D  |  3:00pm

Dr. Miguel Centellas, Instructional Associate Professor of Sociology, discusses the importance finding balance in personal and academic goals. Stop worrying about grades and GPA and focus on how you can use classes to build relationships. Find teachers who can become mentors. Find classmates who can become colleagues. Focus less on finding answers and more on asking questions. Use the four (or five or six) years not to prepare for a career, but to develop the skills and tools to build the life you want. First-year students are highly encouraged to register for this event HERE.


Pass It On! Community Engagement Event  | Saturday, November 2, 2024  |  Lafayette County & Oxford Public Library  |  10:00am

Inspired by Gloria McEwen Burgess’s captivating book, Pass it On!, the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement is proud to host a listening event designed to bring people together, share stories, and make our community stronger – one small act of kindness at a time. Join us at the Lafayette County and Oxford Public Library to learn more about the Pass It On! initiative and meet the author herself who will read from the book. This is a family-friendly, community-inspired event! Participants will be paired up for a guided conversation about what purposeful act of kindness they would like to complete this semester. Your Pass It On! deed can be any act of kindness no matter how small. It’s up to you to decide how you want to spread more positivity in our community.